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This section assumes you want to compile the DAFoam optimization package from the source on a Linux system. If you use the pre-compiled version, skip this section.

DAFoam runs on Linux systems and is based on OpenFOAM-v1812. You must install OpenFOAM and verify that it is working correctly. You also need to install the 3rd party and MDOLab packages before using DAFoam for optimization. Other dependencies include:

  • C/C++ compilers (gcc/g++ or icc/icpc)

  • Fortran compiler (gfortran or ifort)

  • MPI software (openmpi, mvapich2, or impi)

  • Swig

  • cmake

To compile the documentation, you also need:

  • Doxygen

  • Graphviz

  • Sphinx

NOTE: Always try to use the system provided C/Fortran compiler and MPI software to compile DAFoam and all its dependencies. Using self-built C/Fortran and MPI may cause linking issues

NOTE: For Ubuntu 18.04 users, you need to compile your own OpenMPI since the Ubuntu 18.04 comes with OpenMPI-2.1 which is known to have compatibility issues with the MDOLab packages. Please follow this page and use version OpenMPI-1.10.7. Make sure you compile OpenMPI before the following steps. After it is done, add this to your bashrc file and source it::

 export LD_PRELOAD=/change_this_to_your_compiled_openmpi_lib_path/libmpi.so

Note that the above is needed only for Ubuntu 18.04 because we compile our own OpenMPI.

NOTE: The following steps assume you use GNU compilers. For Intel compilers, users need to adjust settings in OpenFOAM and PETSc, and use configuration file config/defaults/config.LINUX_INTEL_OPENMPI.mk for each MDOLab repo.

To install the DAFoam package:

  1. Create a “OpenFOAM” folder in your home directory ($HOME). Go into the “OpenFOAM” directory and install OpenFOAM-v1812 following this website: http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Installation/Linux/OpenFOAM-v1806/Ubuntu NOTE: DAFoam does not support long integer, so in OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1812/etc/bashrc, use 32bit integer (WM_LABEL_SIZE=32), and double precision scalar (WM_PRECISION_OPTION=DP). After the OpenFOAM installation is done, start a new session to install the rest packages; DO NOT load the OpenFOAM environment. This is to prevent environmental variable conflict between OpenFOAM and other packages.

  2. Create a “packages” folder in your home directory. Go into the “packages” directory and install the following 3rd party packages:

  • Anaconda Python. NOTE: Anaconda2-2.4.0 is recommended since the newer version may have libgfortran conflict. Download https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh and run::

    chmod 755 Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh && ./Anaconda2-2.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh 

    When asked, put $HOME/packages/anaconda2 as the prefix for the installation path. At the end of the installation, reply “yes” to add the anaconda bin path to your bashrc.

  • PETSc v3.6.4. Download http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/release-snapshots/petsc-3.6.4.tar.gz and untar it in the $HOME/packages folder, go into $HOME/packages/petsc-3.6.4, and run::

    sed -i 's/ierr = MPI_Finalize();CHKERRQ(ierr);/\/\/ierr = MPI_Finalize();CHKERRQ(ierr);/g' src/sys/objects/pinit.c

    This will comment out line 1367 in src/sys/objects/pinit.c to prevent Petsc from conflicting with OpenFOAM MPI. After this, run::

    ./configure --with-shared-libraries --download-superlu_dist --download-parmetis --download-metis --with-fortran-interfaces --with-debugging=no --with-scalar-type=real --PETSC_ARCH=real-opt --download-fblaslapack

    and after this, run::

     make PETSC_DIR=$HOME/packages/petsc-3.6.4 PETSC_ARCH=real-opt all

    Add the following into your bashrc and source it::

     export PETSC_DIR=$HOME/packages/petsc-3.6.4
     export PETSC_ARCH=real-opt
     export PATH=$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/include:$PATH
  • cgnslib_3.2.1 (http://cgns.sourceforge.net/download.html). Download cgnslib_3.2.1.tar.gz, put it in the $HOME/packages/ folder, and untar it. NOTE: The 3.2.1 version fortran include file is bad, so you need to manually edit the cgnslib_f.h file in the src directory and remove all the comment lines at the beginning of the file starting with “C”. Then run::

     cmake .


     ccmake .

    A “GUI” appears and toggle ENABLE_FORTRAN by pressing [enter] (should be OFF when entering the screen for the first time, hence set it to ON). Type ‘c’ to reconfigure and ‘g’ to generate and exit. Then run::


    Now add this into your bashrc and source it::

     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/packages/cgnslib_3.2.1/src
  • mpi4py-1.3.1 (http://bitbucket.org/mpi4py/mpi4py/downloads/). Untar and run::

     python setup.py install --user

    This will install the package to the .local directory.

  • petsc4py-3.6.0 (http://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc4py/downloads/). Untar and run::

     python setup.py install --user

    This will install the package to the .local directory.

  1. Create a “repos” folder in your home directory. Go into the “repos” directory and download and install the following MDOLab packages (use small cases for all the repository names):
  • First add this to your bashrc and source it::

      export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/repos/
  • Get baseClasses. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/baseclasses && cd baseclasses && git checkout 298ac94 && cd ../
  • Get pyGeo. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/pygeo && cd pygeo && git checkout 90f4b90 && cd ../
  • Get openFoamMeshReader. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/openfoammeshreader && cd openfoammeshreader && git checkout d53d72d && cd ../
  • Get multipoint. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/multipoint && cd multipoint && git checkout 6818887 && cd ../
  • Get pySpline. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/pyspline && cd pyspline && git checkout 30f2340 && cd ../

    and in the “pyspline” folder, run::

      cp config/defaults/config.LINUX_GFORTRAN.mk config/config.mk && make
  • Get pyHyp. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/pyhyp && cd pyhyp && git checkout 926b3f7 && cd ../

    and in the “pyhyp” folder, run::

      cp -r config/defaults/config.LINUX_GFORTRAN_OPENMPI.mk config/config.mk && make
  • Get cgnsUtilities. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/cgnsutilities && cd cgnsutilities && git checkout 3430e04 && cd ../

    and in the “cgnsutilities” folder, run::

      cp config.mk.info config.mk && make

    Add this to your bashrc and source it::

      export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/repos/cgnsutilities/bin
  • Get IDWarp. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/idwarp && cd idwarp && git checkout 0149681 && cd ../

    and in the “idwarp” folder, run::

      cp -r config/defaults/config.LINUX_GFORTRAN_OPENMPI.mk config/config.mk && make
  • Get pyOptSparse. In the “repos” folder, Run::

      git clone https://github.com/mdolab/pyoptsparse && cd pyoptsparse && git checkout 6d2ae0a  && cd ../

    and in the “pyoptsparse” folder, run::

      python setup.py install --user
  1. Download DAFoam. In the “repos” folder, Run::

     git clone https://github.com/mdolab/dafoam

    Then, source the OpenFOAM environmental variables and compile ::

     source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v1812/etc/bashrc && ./Allwmake

    Next, go to $HOME/repos/dafoam/python/reg_tests, download input.tar.gz <https://github.com/mdolab/dafoam/raw/master/python/reg_tests/input.tar.gz>_ and untar it. Finally, run the regression test there::

     python run_reg_tests.py

    The regression tests should take less than 30 minutes. You should see something like::

     dafoam buoyantBoussinesqSimpleDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam buoyantSimpleDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam calcDeltaVolPointMat: Success!
     dafoam rhoSimpleCDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam rhoSimpleDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam simpleDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam simpleTDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam solidDisplacementDAFoam: Success!
     dafoam turboDAFoam: Success!

    You should see the first “Success” in less than 5 minute. If any of these tests fails or they take more than 30 minutes, check the error in the generated dafoam_reg_* files. Make sure all the tests pass before running DAFoam. NOTE: The regression tests verify the latest version of DAFoam on Github. However, we use specific old versions for DAFoam’s dependencies (e.g., pyGeo, IDWarp).

In summary, here is the folder structures for all the installed packages::

   - OpenFOAM
     - OpenFOAM-v1812
     - ThirdParty-v1812
   - packages
     - anaconda2
     - cgnslib_3.2.1
     - mpi4py-1.3.1
     - petsc-3.6.4
     - petsc4py-3.6.0
   - repos
     - baseclasses
     - cgnsutilities
     - dafoam
     - idwarp
     - multipoint
     - openfoammeshreader
     - pygeo
     - pyhyp
     - pyoptsparse
     - pyspline

Here is the DAFoam related environmental variable setup that should appear in your bashrc file::

 export PETSC_DIR=$HOME/packages/petsc-3.6.4
 export PETSC_ARCH=real-opt
 # cgns lib
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/packages/cgnslib_3.2.1/src
 # cgns utilities
 export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/repos/cgnsutilities/bin
 # Python path
 # Anaconda2
 export PATH="$HOME/packages/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"